Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

Increase your revenue and protect your reputation with comprehensive fraud protection that decreases fraud, reduces operational expenses, and increases bank acceptance rates.

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Help protect your revenue and customers. Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, bots, account takeover, and returns and discounts fraudTake a more innovative approach to fraud prevention.
Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a cloud-based solution designed to help e-commerce merchants decrease fraud costs, increase acceptance rates, and improve the customer shopping experience. Help prevent payment and account-creation fraud with adaptive AI technology. Get the benefit of connected knowledge from all Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection merchants for better fraud insights. Improve customer service with the built-in escalation support tool.Safeguard your revenue
Strengthen profitability by reducing wrongful rejections, blocking fraud activities, and increasing acceptance rates across the customer journey.

Improve operational efficiencies
Boost efficiency by reducing manual efforts with easy-to-read reports and actionable insights that quickly identify business entities and functions with potential fraud.

Create seamless shopping experiences
Increase customer engagement and conversion rate by protecting customer account creation, login, and activity.

For more information: Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

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